We are open 11am to 5pm.
Plenty of space, terrain and players..
This Sunday is:
Blood and Plunder
Charlie don't Surf - Vietnam game
Bolt Action (750pts - German Vs Finnish)
Boardgame - Junta or other
Xenos Rampant/40K - AdMech vs. Emperors Children
See you there.
As a reminder we had a visit from Alan Cutner (originally from the Tradeston club in Glasgow).
Alan runs an L'Art de La Guerre competition - Ancient battles (usually 28mm). The game session will be held in Irvine (as their original has closed) in the Towerlands centre on the 15th and the 16th of July. As a local club he is offering us a free space to come along and play either "L'Art de La Guerre" or your own game, or set up a display to show off the club. All you need to do is let him know how many tables / sizes you might require (I expect you will need to bring your own terrain). There will be food on offer to the L'Art de La Guerre competition people - but he is offering any of us that go along a chance to get some grub at a much reduced price - a few pounds. No more details at present.
You can contact Alan directly at
This offer will be open to our associated clubs in Irvine, so please spread the word - so guys get in touch with Alan and if you are in in the next few weeks and fancy a two day game session - lets talk!! There will be limited space and tables I presume - it might be first come, first served.
We will be open on the 16th of July at the usual time!!