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Points values as of 23/2/14
zellakDate: Sunday, 23-Feb-2014, 19:43:18 | Message # 1
Group: Member
Messages: 1596
Reputation: 65
Status: Offline
Meta Wars

Infantry (armed with bolt action rifle 1 shot / range 24")

Conscripts 5pts (Defence 3+ to kill...morale 8< on 2D6 ) (edit;new troop class )
Regular 10pts (Defence 4+ to kill...morale 9< on 2D6 )
Veteran 13pts (Defence 5+ to kill...morale 10< on 2D6 )

+5 Body Armour (+1 to Defence )
+3 Jump Pack

+3 SMG ( 2 shots / 12" range ) Assault
+5 Assault Rifle ( 2 shots / 24" range ) Assault
+5 Automatic Rifle ( 2 shots / 30" range ) (edit; was +10 AP but according to erratta it gets no assault ability and is only +5 AP )

+20 LMG ( 3 shots / 30" range )
+20 Flame Thrower
+20 Grenade Launcher (Counts as Light Mortar, minimum range 6”)
+50 Bazooka & Pistol

2nd Lt 25pts, 1st Lt 50pts, Captain 75pts, Major 100pts

Medic +10pts for ability
Sniper 50pts (one man)

Forward Observer 100 AP per artillery strike. + FOO ( usually 1 or 2 man team with pistol @ 10 AP )
Spotter for off table Medium mortar @ 60 AP
Spotter for off table Heavy mortar @ 120 AP

Hulls: Light = 60pts, Medium = 140pts, Heavy = 220pts, Super Heavy = 400pts (edit changed light hull up +10 AP to fit in with other types)
Guns: Light = 30pts, Medium = 50pts, Heavy = 70pts, Super Heavy = 140pts
Machine Guns: Medium = 20pts, Heavy = 30pts
Auto Cannon: Light = 30pts, Heavy = 50pts
Missile Launcher: Points as per equivalent gun. Cannot move and fire. Ignores cover.

Other Vehicles
Jeep / Soft Vehicle : 20pts, armour 6+
APC / Armoured car / Helicopter : 40 pts, armour 7+

Transport 1 man for 3 AP each......

Recce ability AP ???? ( still to be worked out. ) ....could be Armoured Cars only ?????

Open Topped -? AP ( still to be worked out. )

Added (23-Feb-2014, 6:43 PM)
What if.....

We let Armoured cars get Recce for free ?

We let APC transport 10 men for free ?

We let Helicopters fly 24" and transport 5 men for free ?
Message edited by zellak - Friday, 28-Feb-2014, 13:30:57

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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