I have 20 skills/equipment/traits worked out . 100 characters with each trait being duplicated 5 times ( 20 traits x5 characters= 100)
We need 1 card per character, each figure being identified by a number (1-100)
Its the joker in the deck that was the flaw in RWNN. Take it out and everyone gets a turn.
There are plenty of uniformed figures, even the UNA would do for Cops/Corp security teams.
Star wars minis might be a good idea, i will check out the pictures.
Added (17-Feb-2011, 8:54 PM)
I have done the cards . 100 cards . 60 characters and 40 hired guns.
The hired guns defend 8 hoods ...Riverside, Richmond, Washington, Airport, The Projects, Chinatown, Shantytown and the Industrial Estate. In the city of Gibsonville.
We could use the star wars minis....it wouldn't look very cyberpunk.....but it would look like star wars....whatever.
Between the 25 gangers i have and Ian has about a dozen female gangers, we could make the rest of the characters up with (human) star wars minis ???????
The hired guns could be aliens i spose.
There are 12 gangs numbered 1-12 .
The number should be in the Gang Name.
Each gang starts with 5 members.
Here is the clever bit.
As gangers get killed, roll a die for the the miniature.
Characters respawn 1-12 in that gang number.
Hired Guns respawn in a hood. 1-8.
If a ganger has a trait/skill when he dies. Most of those traits respawn roll 1d100 to see who gets it.
Some of the traits are one shot equipment . which go to a fence,roll 1d6 (fence is a skill... there are 5 fences numbered 1-5. roll a 6 it goes to the Airport gang.)
Added (17-Feb-2011, 9:17 PM)
There are 8 traits allotted to the hired guns
Addict ...random action roll a dice.
Traitor ....roll a d6 when challenged...456 okay (trait respawns at game end)... 123 switch sides.
Driver....not sure about this one ...depends on vehicles....rhinos ????
No-show....123 does not enter game ...gang counts a man down ! 456 he turns up, all is good.
Cyber spur... +1 red die in melee.
Smartgun link ... +1 red die shooting.
Grenade .... 2 red dice , big WH40K template. Respawns to Fence. range 12" scatter dice 1d6 "
Burnout...... roll cool test at start of every turn or bug out.