Moirakhainath (The Bloody Hand), a Biel-Tan Aspect Assault Wave
Hello! Welcome to my first project log. With the approach of Glasgow V Cumbria at Nottingham arriving quickly, I decided to log my progress over 10 weeks for my Eldar Army based around an Aspect Assault Wave. At Present 01/12/11 on a late night with terrible weather, I have 28 Dire Avengers painted. I aim to paint all the necessary models and if theres any time left other ill get round to other models not in my army list. At Present my Army List consists of:
Army Lists are to be 1500 Points, nothing has been said about rules so ive went for an all round list. An Aspect heavy list fiting with background of Biel-Tan & the Assault Wave. All rounder in gaming terms with 2 powerful psykers, 4 High speed transports missiles!, and a good solid base of Close Combat infantry for Power Armour and hordes. Finally followed by a steady unit of dire avengers capable of putting out 35 S4 Reroll to hit and wound shots a turn!
Moirakhainath (The Bloody Hand), a Biel-Tan Aspect Assault Wave V1.1
Eldrad Ulthran
210 Points
Farseer Katiell Spirit Stones, Doom and Fortune.
130 Points
De’quirille (Moment of Transition Shrine) 8 Striking Scorpions. Exarch with Scorpion Claw.
155 Points
Wave Serpent I Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannons and Spirit Stones.
110 Points
Harai Eth Fuerarch (Tears of Fire) 6 Fire Dragons. Exarch with Firepike and Crack Shot Power.
121 Points
Wave Serpent II Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannons and Spirit Stones.
110 Points
Daharaikan (Shrieking Death) 8 Howling Banshees. Exarch with Executioner.
150 Points
Wave Serpent III Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannons and Spirit Stones.
110 Points
Bienna Da (The Kin Warriors) 10 Dire Avengers. Exarch with Two Shuriken Catapults and Bladestorm power.
152 Points
Wave Serpent IV Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannons and Spirit Stones.
110 Points
Guardian Jetbike Squadron 3 Jetbikes with a Shuriken Cannon.
76 Points
Guardian Jetbike Squadron 3 Jetbikes.
66 Points
Total: 1500 Points
To go along with this army ive based it round the Apocalypse Datasheet Eldar Aspect Assault Wave: (Suprising isnt it?)
The elite warrior caste of the Eldar armies is that of the Aspect Warrior. Each Aspect has its own wargear and specialities, excelling at a facet of battle to the exclusion of all else. Unsupported, this extreme specialisation can work against the, but that is not the Eldar way. When the Aspect Warrior squads combine their abilities, each unit compliments the next and their individual battle roles flow together into a symphony of devastation. Never is this unity of purpose better demonstrated than in the much-feared Aspect Warrior assault waves. Swooping across rubble-strewn battlefields in sleek Wave Serpent transports, Aspect Warrior assault waves are capable of collapsing an entire battle line with one well-placed charge. With the aid of a shield enhancer mounted on the leading Wave Serpent, the shimmering energy fields surrounding the hulls of these grav-tank transports bleed into one another. This forms a bow wave of force potent enough to deflect the heaviest firepower as the Eldar close in. Furthermore, whilst the command vehicle is intact this forcefield can be projected forwards in a great tidal wave of crackling force, typically a moment before the Aspect Warriors deploy. This can stun and even paralyse the foe, leaving them easy prey for the graceful and deadly aliens that fall upon them. Moirakhainath encountered a series of conflict with Necrons, however taking heavy casualties. With a small task force lead by Eldrad himself, they attempt to crusade through the galaxy whilst attempting to restore the Eldar to their former glory.
Photos attached: Whole army 01/12/11, Base Fillers, Dire Avengers in Movement Tray, Dire Avengers Loose, Finecast Eldrad Photos Date: 01/12/1
Just a small shot of all the models for the list so far, I might change it depending on how it plays. Base fillers to bring my 11 man trays down to 8 men. Practical rather than asking MMurray to make up more trays. Complete Dire Avengers unit, really proud of it still have to put transfers on the heads and put transfers on the Banner. Just another photo of the Dire Avengers out of their tray. Finally Finecast Eldard with no finecast faults.
With the background aside and the army let set its time for the models themselves hopefully ill be able to at least post one a day (Maybe a bit ambitious but hey). Ive allowed 10 weeks to do 24 Models and 4 Grav Tanks to a high standard, now is it possible?! Hopefully ill be able to stick to it, Jamie
Going to spend a lot of time on the Farseer so saving him for last. Flying bases will be for the Eldar Jetbikes & The Wave Serpents. Howling Banshees will hopefully be buying another box of 6 sometime soon. Dire Avengers Exarch will hopefully be finished for Sunday.
Photos attached: Magnatised Wave Serpent, Completed Movement Tray, Assembled Wave Serpent, Assembled Fire Dragons Squad and Base Fillers Photos Date: 01/12/11
Being undecided about what to equip my Wave Serpents with, I have gone with magnatising them and all the weapons so they are interchangeable! Hopefully going to do this with my other 3 Wave Serpents when I buy them. The movement trays were brought off of eBay a short while ago and are shaped to fit coming out the back of a Wave Serpent, Practial but not for movement. They make good display trays. Just a photo of my completed Wave Serpent, any ideas on how to make the guns stay up? They have been magnatised so they slope down! Considered a small chain but it wouldnt suit an Eldar vehicle. Full unit of Fire Dragons assembled and with a 6 Man movement tray. Finally Base fillers for my 11 trays to bring them down to 8 for Howling Banshees and Striking Scorpions.
Ask Alan B nicely , and he might give you some of his POWER magnets.
Holds the smaller ones fine, Just the wave serpents
Quote (zellak)
i will follow this with interest, you have set yourself a real task !
It is a real task, Ive went to all the bother of doing this so theres no surrender now!
Photos update!
Photos attached: Dire Avengers Exarch Scenic Base, Dire Avenger Unit Photos Date: 03/12/11
Finished the Dire Avenger unit, touched up the black around the scenic base. Ordered another two off eBay for the Eldar. Really proud of the Exarch. Applied transfers to the banner although i may add more as it looks a bit barren. Also done another Jetbike base for my Jetbikes when i get round to buying them. Bad weather has put me off going outside and Spraypainting my Fire Dragons so i was unable to start them. Still debating the colour scheme, if i should go for the standard or a red colour scheme. Your thoughts?
Hey Jamie ... Excellent work on ur models & bases! Had a quick nosy at the web and seen this colour scheme for ur Fire Dragons ...
>>> Fire Dragons - Lava Style!
... Nice lava style! ... Walts
Thanks! That’s the style I’ll do when I start painting them
Gaming Update!
Annihilation V Curtis Eldar V Grey Knights
Unfortunately the weather has been too bad so I can’t get outside to spray paint It’s really holding me back a bit! Play tested my army on Sunday. Getting thrashed has got me a bit more used to the Eldar, Scorpions maybe need a bit of punch and don’t work well alone! Fire Dragons took down a Dreadknight in 1 round of shooting, there very effective. Howling banshees were Psychotroupe grenades negating there Initiative advantage, however unfortunate I’m going to give them another chance. Guardian jetbikes are useless in non objective games and Wave Serpents are pretty solid transports. Psykers are also effective as not one psychic test was failed. Even though I got thrashed it’s taught me a lot, here here for the next game!
Also meant to take photographs of the game, ill remember in future!
Message edited by JamieCraftworldMaiden - Tuesday, 06-Dec-2011, 18:57:03
If riding around a battlefield on a motorbike was a good idea all armies would have them.....they dont.
Nuff said.
There damm good at taking objectives however!
Quote (zellak)
The Eldar are a collection of specialists, none of the trooptypes are supposed to work alone, the key is forming combined arms task groups.
They were, until the Fire Dragons took down the dreadknight so fast it left the Scorpions on their own!
Gaming, Painting & Modeling
Today I managed to get another game in against Curtis. Despite loosing done slightly better this time. Still struggling to find the path with Eldar (A trip to Gw and beating some 14 year olds shall help me find the path!) Ran out of Spraypaint but got more today aswell and hopefully the Fire Dragons will be completed at the end of this week. Also hopeful for my new Eldar stuff to get delivered Monday so ill be able to get all the models I need. Watch this space
Delvery in
19/12/11 everything built
I havent forgot about this, ill do it up properly over the christmas holidays but for now ill be working on it Anyone know how to get pictures to display rather than attachments? Borrowing my mums good camera to take pictures now
Message edited by JamieCraftworldMaiden - Tuesday, 20-Dec-2011, 00:06:18
Im still working hard! Just not updating the thread as often. I dont like the fat you cant go back and edit it Ill post all the pictures up when its done but for now youll have to wait
Good luck with the game, any more info about it? I take it it is Carlisle store v Glasgow city center Store. When I lived in Cumbria we had to travel to Preston for a GW shop.
One of the guys who introduced me to Warhammer and the hobby in Cumbria actually ended up working at the Nottingham HQ, last I heard. Man could that guy paint though,
Good luck with the game, any more info about it? I take it it is Carlisle store v Glasgow city center Store. When I lived in Cumbria we had to travel to Preston for a GW shop.
Yep Roll on Febuary!
Quote (Banksi)
Can I ask a silly question, I noticed the based the units are on, very nice but are they part of the 40k rules now,
Nah there not just a kind of display for the units. There also pratical as they are the range of disenbarkment of my wave serpents, however when I put them on the table they get blasted straight off with template weapons!
I really like your Eldar aswell, nice work!
Just a small question though, how did you manage to get the pictures to display on the forum? I tried doing it myself and couldnt get it.