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Chaos War
EtriganDate: Tuesday, 19-Jun-2012, 18:35:22 | Message # 1
Group: Member
Messages: 27
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
Since the new Chaos War booster is aponus on the 13th what are peo0ple most looking forward to in it? myslf I will be out for The Sentry/Void set and any more Masters Of Evil/Hydra members

Added (19-Jun-2012, 6:35 PM)
From The updates on the offical site it looks like I am going to have to pick up Kang and Baron Zemo. devil

“ Yarva Demonicus Etrigan.
Change, change the form of man.
Free the prince forever damned.
Free the might from fleshy mire.
Boil the blood in heart of fire.
Gone, gone the form of man,
Rise the demon Etrigan!
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