Attack on Dwarf Kingdom – who’s the funny guy in the red suit
On their way out on a quest the Despair tried raiding on the edge of the Dwarf Kingdom. It was winter at this time and the ground was thick with snow. On a clear night the Drow were on the look out for food and planned to raid the sheep kept by the Dwarves for the winter. The cleansing had left everything in short supply as the daily business of the City was sorely disrupted.
As they journeyed in the Despair they flew across a good sized Dwarf settlement. Their attention was fixed on a red clad dwarf scrambling over the roofs and hedges carrying a large sack. Intrigued the Drow moved the ship down and Zaen, Kalan, Birz and Gul jumped out and moved to intercept the red Dwarf.
The dwarf was taken by surprise and quickly overpowered by the Drow. They then hauled him up to the ship and threw him into the hold in a small caged pen used to keep dangerous but live animals. Birz took a fancy to the gold rope tied around the sack and discovered that it was magical. The golden rope could be directed to go to anywhere and stretched up to 50 feet in length.
The Drow were very disappointed in the sack the dwarf was carrying as it had loads of brightly wrapped boxes that only contained wooden animals or toy soldiers. The Drow left the dwarf and got ready for the raid. All except Zaen who took great pleasure in opening each present and smashing it in front of the distraught dwarf. Kalan heard him sobbing “Not the presents, what will the children think when there are no gifts tomorrow”. Kalan thought to himself what a weird dwarf he will soon be a slave and this bizarre red costume will be but a distant memory.
The raid itself went well as the crew managed to take almost a whole herd before the dwarves could react and send a garrison of 10 to 15 very angry soldiers. The Soldiers stood impudently shaking their fists at the Drow as the Despair gracefully lifted off into the night with the towns winter food supply.