With a lurch , the cloud castle started once again to skim across the sky. A roar of rage echoed down the hall as the Giant came across the bodies of his slaughtered hounds. The intuders could see his pain and anguish as he filled the doorway, there was no escape.
"Two ranks , Vipers ready " screamed Gul, the Drow fell into place and trained their pistols.
The Giant came on through the volley of darts and clashed into their ranks scattering the Drow, as some drew swords and others continued to fire pistols at point blank. One Drow , a recruit, drew forth his battleaxe to face the fury of the berserk defender but lasted only a heartbeat as he was crushed against the wall by a mighty blow from the Giants club.
Kalan then drew Giant-Killer his two handed magic sword and smote the Giant a biting blow. The giant screamed with shock and pain turning on him in single minded fury. Kalan was struck with some force but skillfully rolled with the power of the blow. Returning another upper cut as he emerged from the roll, and felled the Giant.
The looters then ransacked the castle and taking the slaves ,their fallen shipmate,a small library, and great deal of Silver they returned to the waiting Airship. After a short debate between Captain Vixia and the Professor, she returned with him and the slaves to the castle and emerged later with two large chests. Which she declared was the Captains Share.
The crew returned to Shanizar to cremate the crewmate who fell against t
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