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Dwarf Army 15mm Part 3 Berserkers
The dwarf berserkers were undercoated white:

I next mixed up a was of scorched brown and burnt umber. You need a dark red / brown that is diluted to a wash (has the consistency of semi-skimmed milk). Apply wash across the whole figure:

You might need to vary the darkness, making the wash thicker or more watery to get a variation on skin tones. But the beards needed more contrast so they got a black wash (make sure it does not go onto the flesh areas):

I found that by the time I had applied the wash to the eigth strip the first was dry and ready to be painted on the next step. But with any washes make sure the previous step has had time to dry before going on to any new steps.

After this I painted the beards (paint detail flicked across the top surface of the beard) - since they were left on the strip made sure each figure had different coloured beards. Metal, wood, and kilts carefully detailed painted - make sure the paint has a good flow and they are done (took around 2 hours to do 32 figures).

Here are two strips with just the beards done.

Two strips view from the back.

Other images of individual strips added to my gallery.


Another tip is to paint the bases green before gluing them to the bases, and again making sure there is enough space to get the gkue in to get the scatter grass coverage. Techniques for adding flock given in Napoleonic tutorial.

Category: Painting Guides | Added by: RMcN (22-Oct-2012) | Author: RMcN
Views: 1924 | Tags: Hordes of Heroes, Dwarf berserk, Kallistra, dwarf army, Kings of War, 15mm paint guide, hordes of things | Rating: 5.0/2
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