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40K AT43 Resin Sci Fi Bunker from Wytchfire Studio
The bunker was ordered and arrived promptly. Wytchfire packaging was excellent, and the resin model was almost completely free from defects (virtually no air bubbles or lost detail) and no mould residue. Overall an excellent model.

Four super magnets arrive with the bunker that allow the roof section to be easily removed to allow models to be placed inside the bunker. Found it important to make sure the magnets fit into there respective holes in the top of the walls before undercoating.

Using just Halfords Matt Black undercoat the bunker looked like this:

With the resin arriving as clean as it was the undercoat attached with out any problems.

The first job was to paint the sandbags. I prefer lighter colours so used GW Dheneb Stone as a base - dry brushed over the black undercoat. I then highlighted with a light drybrush of white on top of that.

For the stone walls I drybrushed the broken sections showing the underlying concrete in grey. Then used a heavier drybrush on the outer wall sectons with foundry Storm Blue (gives a nice blue grey effect). Using a dry brush rather than blocking it in allows the black undercoat to appear through the paint making it look used and old. Using the Storm Blue light to pick up the edges on the corners and around the open concrete holes - sets off the different areas.

On the larger sections like the roof after the base drybrush I built up the lighter section using a large flat topped brush - using a stippling technique. The paint held just in the top of the brush that is large flat and open (does not come to a point) and similarly loaded as drybrush - not too much paint in it. Then the top flat section is touched down on the surface of the model to allow the various tips of the hairs to apply paint in what appears as a haphazard way.

For a Sci Fi look instead of silver metallic I have used Foundry's Grey Metallic paint. Gives futuristic models a different look - came across and applied to my sons 40K Ultra Marines to good affect. This was drybrushed across the flooring, door, hatches, exposed section of girder, ladder and lockers. To get the rusted look just requires a selective wash with watered down Skaven ink (or thinned GW Scorched Brown). The next picture shows the interior of the bunker.

The door section was separate and remains so. The guns can be moved or removed to your preference. The Sandbages were painted individually then glued on with two part Epoxy (Araldite Fast epoxy). You can see the placement of the super magnets in the last photo - also glued into place.

Here is a close-up of the roof. Remember any model should be painted form the inside out. In this case the metal for the girder, the grey drybrush for the concrete, then the outer Storm blue for the roof itself. Washes to darken areas that had too much paint, or show rust are done at the end. Working this way round ensures mistakes can be more easily fixed. Nothing worse than getting one part looking great then one wrong brush stroke, while doing a detail inside the model, and you ruin all your good work.

I have added a picture of the final bunker and all its parts under my pictures in the Club site (look under Club members - Ross - Terrain). With some additional detailed pictures of the various sections. Ian Banks also bought the same bunker model for himself - check out his excellent paint job (look under theClub Photos - AT43 section).

Category: Painting Guides | Added by: RMcN (13-Mar-2013) | Author: RMcN
Views: 2056 | Tags: AT43 Bunker, 40K bunker, 28mm bunker., bunker painting guide, Sci Fi bunker, Wytchfire studio bunker, 40K | Rating: 5.0/3
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