The guys pretty clued up on terrain making, and he's only one guy I follow! I think even he's converted to hunting teddy bears. I can see that it's a lot cleaner, quicker and looks the part when the "thatching" is glued down. My only concern is too go for realism like he's done with the thatching and given it a dirty look colour, or just use the "brand-new" straw (yellow) look, like the ones at the club? I'll wait and see how I feel on the day when I get my skins from evilBay ... Walts
But before you start hijacking teddies, the more traditional way is to use card base then milliputt (or GW green stuff, or even the wood filler I got you from Excess Stock) over the roof section. Then use an old toothbrush or fine comb to create the thatched roof effect before it dries. Then leave to dry and paint!! Possible to build layers if required.