No worries ... Marko's going to have a game of Mordheim as well, so we'll get a few games in to learn the rules ... Anyone else is welcome to join in ... Walts
I'm interested in playing the game, not so much as the points/henchmen ... so we'll look at mix & matching warbands (a boss, shaman & 10 goon models? - not too bothered of their pro's & con's) to cover the day so I can see how they perform ... Thanks, Walts
Hi Guys ... Anyone fancy showing me how too play Mordheim? I've got Orcs & Goblins to do battle with .. waaaaghhh!!!
I've been reading the rules over the past few weeks, but know that until I get to a table & play, they might as well be gobble-de-gook ... the native Goblin language! This would be for the first half of the day, then I'll join in on the 15mm Sci-Fi game that Che's running ... Walts