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Main » 2014 » April » 15 » Wargames session 27th April 2014
Wargames session 27th April 2014

Remember we are off on the 20th!!


Gang Wars

zellak, Stephen, Iain, & ...



Craig McD, Craig McC, Jamie



Ross, Howard, Ian B, Roddy, Walter, & ? ...


Game of Thrones board Game

Keir, Stewart P, Jack, & ...



Stewart W, Jamie S, William, Chris, Aragorn, & ...


Have a good Easter, add below what you are up to on the 27th.


Views: 1018 | Added by: RMcN | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 15
15 Morgoth  
0 Spam
Hi Guys

I've to go into work tomorrow, so won't be at the club till after 1pm. I'll pop in to see if there's anything to play, but Civ is out of the question for me, till next time,


13 smurfy  
0 Spam
how disappointing

14 zellak  
0 Spam
I'm interested in trying GoT out ....but am playing GangWars this week.

Sometime in the future maybe ?

12 smurfy  
0 Spam

9 Che  
0 Spam
Can I join in with Gang Wars?

10 zellak  
0 Spam
No probs. happy

We can all meet at one of your turfs..... wink

11 Che  
0 Spam
Bring it on dudes

6 philson  
0 Spam
I wont be in on the 27th am at largs all day long.

8 Che  
0 Spam
There are worse places to be biggrin

3 Che  
0 Spam
what's all this Russian crap that keeps appearing? Are they trying to annex the website?

4 zellak  
0 Spam
Dont know what you mean !

What Russian crap ????????


5 smurfy  
0 Spam
about to say the same thing cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool

7 Che  
0 Spam
angry Must be the Ipad they're trying to annexe then. I keep getting banners advertising games, brides and who knows what the fuck else. It's all in Russian so I don't know. Come to think, they never appear on the old laptop. wacko

0 Spam
I have added the Vespid Stingwing Tutorial to the Painting Guides section of the Website. Please feel free to have a look at it and tell me what you think. Thanks,


1 mcbale  
0 Spam
I won't be in on the 27th and I very much doubt I'll be back in this side of June

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