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Main » 2015 » February » 16 » Wargames Session 22nd February 2015
Wargames Session 22nd February 2015


Note: We are OPEN on the 22nd February - back in the Parterre Halls for this Sunday.

We do not have access to the Volunteer Rooms - so no extra terrain you will need to bring your own, and the the number of tables will be limited.


Alan B, Andy


Condottiere board game

Ross, Howard, Stew P, Stephen, Jamie McL and can take others 


DnD Eberron campaign DM - Stephen L - postponed until next Week Stephen cannot make it!! Hopes to run it on the 1st of March.



zellak,  Ian W, Craig McC, Aidan, Iain M, Ross
Wild West
William, Robert, Aragorn, Kevin,  Jamie S, Chris, & ??

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Views: 861 | Added by: RMcN | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 4
4 TheInvisibleGuy  
0 Spam
Won't be in tomorrow unfortunately (Yeah I know, how devastating) but I will be in next week if anyone's doing 40k things or.. anything really cool

3 Morgoth  
0 Spam
As I'm back to on call cover alternate weekends, if I come in
this weekend, I won't have next off, so I've swapped my shifts
back so I can get a game of the Pathfinder RPG next weekend,


1 Morgoth  
1 Spam
@Stephen L: My boss has given me the all clear to swap shifts with him this weekend, so I'll be along for the D&D Ederron campaign! cool

Is there any websites worth visiting to get a heads-up on D&D3.5 or background to the campaign?

Thanks, Walts

2 RMcN  
0 Spam
Sorry to say Stephen has work this Sunday - he has not been authorised by Ian B yet to post a reply. He hopes to start running the campaign next Sunday. So there will be guys looking to do something this Sunday - you could bring in one of your games. biggrin

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