u asked me how to do it and i gave you an honest answer that in my experience works well i didn't say that you would like it simply that it is an option KM
Argh, I really do need a tad of advice on this. I am trying to give the effect of Snow of some of my Fire Warriors bases, so i tried Polystyrene but even 1 bit (Which looks small to us) was bigger than the poor guys foot (Hoof). Anyone got any ideas on how i could achieve my desired basing effect?
Having based some of my (WarMachine) Khador's many moons ago, I used uTube tutorials for ideas ...
... I had to do a bit of experimental first myself to be happy with the overall effects, but as the guy says in the vid, buy cheap stuff and you can cover a mountain!
You know, looking at some of the models, I don't think I used soda ... maybe some old sawdust or something ... but they came out OK. Just bosch some white paint in the mix and it will look good! ... Walts
I sliced those fecking Polystyrene balls up like nobody's business, then i covered them in the powdery, painty, glu'e mixture and covered the base in it too.. They look not half bad :D
yeah but with 5 one player can mop up all the neutral factions towards the absent house making it a very very short game with 4 or it works great but 5 seems to be slightly unbalanced KM