I've got something that I might need a bit of help for, I've ordered a Riptide and wish to magnetize it's main and secondary weapons (A really big gun and two really small ones). I have not got a Scooby as to what I can do. Not a clue what so ever. So now that I have cleared up that I am a haddie would anyone be able to help me magnetize the weapons for it? I realise that I would have to buy the magnets ect, but any help that I could receive would be greatly appreciated.
Alan B would be able to help, and Rory has just done this on his Tau. Pity you did not seriously consider this when at Claymore. Remember when I pointed out the Magnetic Displays super magnets!!
C'est la vie, and I was not prepared to buy those magnets anyway. I only really desire to magnetize the Riptide so I only requre a small amount of magnets. What is Alan's name on the website? B)
For the guys playing space crusade, I was talking to Craig about doing a bit of mordhiem this weekend, while the others are away, what do you all think?
Just a message to Zellak, for the 40k Campaign that you were talking about would it be possible for you to drop the "non-painted = 2x the points" aspect. Although I still think that the models have to be properly built ect, the two Craig's won't be able to paint up a full 1200 army in less than a month. It's only a campaign for fun anyway, no prizes at the end unfortunately And for it to be fun for me it would be that my friends were able to play in it with me The Eldar Craig said that he won't be able to paint it up, and the Chaos Craig won't be able to either. They would have had to get a head start which they didn't get. Even if you were to just let them off this one time, if the double points rule still stands they won't bother joining in due to the unfair disadvantage they would recieve - Let me know what you think
Since alan doesnt think he will have his Warmachine army finished for sunday, I suggested we play a huge game of X-wing, the normal battle is 100pts a side but i'm sure we can manage 300-400pts a side. So if anyone is interested let me know