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Mantic games
BanksiDate: Saturday, 24-Mar-2012, 11:34:22 | Message # 21
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Quote (zellak)
I have uploaded the Veer-myn Dossier to the downloads area on this website.

Yeah Toxic Rats in space... Now all we need is Space Elves.., No Wait.. We have those already...

Of course I know your name, it's your face I can't remember - Parahandy
RMcNDate: Friday, 30-Mar-2012, 12:25:55 | Message # 22
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I have bought a set of the skeletons and the zombies to try out.

They are nicely made, slightly more to 25mm.

Let you know how they turn out.
Message edited by RMcN - Monday, 02-Apr-2012, 21:27:16
p1fxDate: Thursday, 31-May-2012, 17:35:34 | Message # 23
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How did you get on with them? what is the verdict? Oh and is KoW likely to be a frequent game at the club?
zellakDate: Thursday, 31-May-2012, 21:31:24 | Message # 24
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Quote (p1fx)
Oh and is KoW likely to be a frequent game at the club?

We have played a few games now....and its quick and easy. biggrin

The 3rd edition is out in hardback at the end of June, i will be getting a copy for sure. happy

There are also quite a few WHF players, who play 8th edition, if you are looking for a game. (and prefer the evil empire wink )

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
p1fxDate: Friday, 01-Jun-2012, 12:43:04 | Message # 25
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I only play GW games because it means that you are always able to get a game, lots of players and their own shops to play in.

Was actually looking to possibly get back into fantasy, hence why I was looking a Mantic at the time before going with GW. At present though I still need to finish of my Marine army for 40k and get some games in.
zellakDate: Friday, 01-Jun-2012, 15:22:58 | Message # 26
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Quote (p1fx)
I only play GW games because it means that you are always able to get a game, lots of players and their own shops to play in.

Ah, there is the difference.

I never play GW games.

I play against the guys at the club.....and would not be seen dead in the lair of the Evil Empire. tongue

I'm a fully paid up _official_ GW-Hater. spiteful biggrin

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
p1fxDate: Friday, 01-Jun-2012, 16:29:19 | Message # 27
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Yeah kind of gathered that
zellakDate: Saturday, 14-Jul-2012, 14:27:55 | Message # 28
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Got the new "Kings of War" rules.


looking forward to another battle against the Romans. happy
Message edited by zellak - Saturday, 14-Jul-2012, 14:39:30

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
gerrywithaGDate: Saturday, 14-Jul-2012, 16:37:06 | Message # 29
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It'll be Romans .....and. friends!!!!!!!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin

And I am watching YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
zellakDate: Saturday, 14-Jul-2012, 18:59:24 | Message # 30
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If you have any points left over then you can buy magic artefacts.

I have included a 5 point Blade of Slashing (to round up to 1800 AP).

It gives one unit , one extra dice in melee................ dry

Quote (gerrywithaG)
.....and. friends!

No probs, remember you only have to stick to one race when playing in tournaments. (there is talk of goblins and orcs being free to mix forces)

Normally KoW armies are a mix of whatever you like, as long as they are Good/neutral/Evil.

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
RMcNDate: Thursday, 26-Jul-2012, 12:59:17 | Message # 31
Lieutenant colonel
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Have glued Mantic Ghouls and zombies, found they were good.

The molds were very clean - almost clip out of sprue and glue. Used Revell CONTACTA Polystrene cement. Did find took a little longer to hold with some of the zombie positions. With other plastic figures usually immediately hold but with these had to hold in position for say 30 seconds. Once glue dried in a few hours the bond was solid. The parts come as plastic base, legs, torso with arms (two torsos have missing arm to select alternative pose), then a range of heads. You can have legs with no more than a spine if you want. The zombie detail is fantastic, and very fine detail down to the fingers.

The Ghouls are also very detailed. They seem to have spike through the arms and torso - an effect I did not like so removed. The fingers are very detailed and very fine. Even cutting from sprue need to be careful not to bend them as they would be easily damaged and break off the figure.

Have converted 6 zombies to Flesh Golems for Blood bowl Undead team, and 6 Ghouls. Adding shoulder pads and the occasional spikes. Photos added to club pictures. Will be painting the zombies an ghouls over the next week. Then on to the skeletons.
Message edited by RMcN - Thursday, 26-Jul-2012, 12:59:49
zellakDate: Tuesday, 21-Aug-2012, 21:29:24 | Message # 32
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Could a Moderator add a Kings of War folder to the picture gallery....... please. happy

Me and Ross got in a game of KoW on Sunday, and there are some good photos.

I'm using my Beastmen as Orcs at the moment , hoping that when the new book comes out next year with the three new armies Angels/ Demons/ Nature.

That the beastmen will be on the "forces of nature" list.

My Beastmen.

Message edited by zellak - Tuesday, 21-Aug-2012, 21:34:28

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
BalrogDate: Tuesday, 21-Aug-2012, 23:27:35 | Message # 33
Aun Va III
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Kings of War category added ...

>>> http://www.northayrshirewargamesclub.co.uk/photo/kings_of_war/36

... Look forward to seeing those pics! ... Walts
zellakDate: Thursday, 23-Aug-2012, 16:11:47 | Message # 34
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Cheers Walts. happy

Thanks too, to Ross for posting up the pictures of our game on Sunday.


Think we need a house rule; bonus for defending a hill. ???? wacko
Message edited by zellak - Thursday, 23-Aug-2012, 21:44:19

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
NemesisDate: Friday, 24-Aug-2012, 16:20:18 | Message # 35
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Quote (zellak)
Think we need a house rule; bonus for defending a hill. ????

How about -1 for attackers in melee on all to hit rolls only and +1 for defenders to hit rolls only.
Range modifier of +3 inches per level of hill for missile troops with ability to shoot over own troops. range reduction of -3 inches when shooting uphill. What think???

Was thinking of speaking about cost of magic items as well as only being able to have one artifact type on battle field notably missile weapons i.e. only one unit may be equipped with piercing arrows in the army or brew of haste --- would like to propose that if you equip a unit with magics the cost is for every 10 (ten) models (if INFANTRY), or 5 (five) models (if CAVALRY) with NO restriction on how many times it can be copied in the army building phase.

EXAMPLES --- 2 regiments of "Ironwatch" Dwarves could both be fielded with "piercing arrows" at an additional cost of +10 points per unit --(140 points each)-- COST = unit points cost (130 points) + 2 X COST OF ITEM (5 points) (20 FIGURES IN UNIT) = 140 points each

The following rule would apply for max number of items per unit

1) HEROES --- max of 4 (four) items:
2) INFANTRY up to 10 figures --- 1 item:
3) INFANTRY 11-20 figures & CAVALRY up to 5 figures --- 2 items:
4) INFANTRY 21-30 figures & CAVALRY up to 10 figures --- 3 items and
5) INFANTRY 31+ figures & CAVALRY 10+ figures --- 4 items

Have tried to keep to the Keep It Simple rule --- small unit = little or no magic up to big unit with lot of magic with hero types and generals strutting about like searing bright lights.

While I haven't actually played yet (roll on Sunday) there is something about the rules that screams TOO simple!!

Oh well, so much for not starting arguments biggrin biggrin


Time to receive some Flak
zellakDate: Friday, 24-Aug-2012, 16:34:56 | Message # 36
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Quote (Nemesis)
While I haven't actually played yet (roll on Sunday) there is something about the rules that screams TOO simple!!

Yeah, they are far too simple.

But that in a way is their beauty. cool

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
NemesisDate: Friday, 24-Aug-2012, 16:47:46 | Message # 37
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Not actually slagging rules (much) --- but a wee bit of complexity often helps --- what think of other rules??
zellakDate: Friday, 24-Aug-2012, 18:13:48 | Message # 38
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Units attacking upslope getting -1 to hit is okay.

i think thats how we played it ????

Quote (Nemesis)
but a wee bit of complexity often helps

helps what ?

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
NemesisDate: Saturday, 25-Aug-2012, 05:21:37 | Message # 39
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Quote (zellak)
Units attacking upslope getting -1 to hit is okay.

so the defending unit won't get a bonus to hit and no range modifiers?? thinking along the lines of -- you're up a hill you can strike over an enemies' shield or strike at an enemies' head a lot easier than if you're level with them. as for range modifiers +/- 3" --- shooting uphill means missiles won't go as far whereas when shooting downhill missiles travel that wee bit further

Quote (zellak)
helps what ?

Kick off debates biggrin

What think magic item rules and restrictions??

Forgot to mention war-machines --- would only be able to have a maximum of 1 (one) item --- can only be used if applicable --- no armour, no melee and no speed improvements --- only range, to hit or damage improvements
RMcNDate: Saturday, 25-Aug-2012, 09:23:24 | Message # 40
Lieutenant colonel
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After playing the Kings of War last Sunday it is a very simple hit smash and pack up type of game.

We did not give any bonus for units on the hill. I do think there should be a +1 for defenders in melee, how about a +6" to maximum range for higher level than target.

I do not think we need Heroes with loads of magic, or units with tonnes either. The magic artefacts state each is unique and units and heroes can only have one each, war machines NONE. I did think at first that not being able to reuse magic was a big limitation, ie give more than one archer unit the piercing arrow. But after playing it I see it is a DBA / Hordes based on GW Fantasy LOTR with some D&D chucked in. Magic used in battles was rare and might help turn the battle at a critical point but that is all - is the theme.

Zellak mentioned with the FAQs the Heal charm being used on the Army standard bearer to then heal units. But as I read it it can only be used by heroes, and ONLY the HERO gains the Heal skill.


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