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Gang Wars - Random Events
zellakDate: Tuesday, 06-May-2014, 09:25:37 | Message # 1
Group: Member
Messages: 1596
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So any ideas.

We could make a deck out and draw a card if the dice roll activates a random event.

Lets go for 20 events ?

1/ Psycho hobo Attacks ! Roll off...winner places a mad hobo on the table and attacks the character of their choice with a broken bottle (1 white dice)

2/ Police Arrive ! game ends everybody scarpers....

3/ Lucky find ! Players roll off....winner gets a free draw from the deck....apply card to one of your Punks....to an enemy Punk if its a Bane card.

get the idea ................ smile

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
CheDate: Wednesday, 07-May-2014, 10:07:40 | Message # 2
Lieutenant general
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4/ Innocent passerby:
Appears at a random point (edge/personhole).
Moves 12" per turn in a random direction. If the passerby moves off table then he/she is removed from play.
Can be mugged for an extra "Bribe".
To mug passerby attack hand to hand. Passerby gets 1 white die. If passerby wins he/she escapes attacker and moves 6" in a random direction. If ganger wins player gets a "bribe" and passerby is removed from play. The "bribe" is in addition to the shiny counters.
Message edited by Che - Wednesday, 07-May-2014, 10:08:24

Wargamers like to paint their privates!!
zellakDate: Wednesday, 07-May-2014, 10:29:26 | Message # 3
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Messages: 1596
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Nice one. cool

5/ Acid-Rain shower, reduce visibility, maximum range shooting is reduced to 24".

6/ Kick Ass; vigilante super hero appears, roll of, winner takes control of him/her, counts as Legend. tongue

ps not all of the ideas contributed will make it into the final draft. wink ( 6/ is a bit shaky wacko )

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
CheDate: Wednesday, 07-May-2014, 15:00:17 | Message # 4
Lieutenant general
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Had a rethink about "Passerby". It's a bit cumbersome as is so I thought if players roll then winner gets to mug a passerby. If player wins he gets a bribe, if passerby wins he/she gets away. That way there aren't any extra figures cluttering up the table and it reduces the admin for the game. wink

Number 6 above could unbalance the game I s'pose. What if the vigilante just went after everyone? Or a group of vigilantes appeared (obviously they wouldn't all be legends wacko ) and did a sweep across the table attacking anything in sight!! SCARY surprised

Wargamers like to paint their privates!!
zellakDate: Thursday, 08-May-2014, 09:01:23 | Message # 5
Group: Member
Messages: 1596
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7/ Dangerous Rooftop.... roll off....winner chooses a building.....any ganger moving on that rooftop takes 2 red dice damage ( for the rest of the game.)

8/ "Hey, i wanna be in ur gang !" ....roll off...winner gets one of his dead Punks back...roll up new Ganger and place him beside the leader.

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
RMcNDate: Thursday, 08-May-2014, 19:50:18 | Message # 6
Lieutenant colonel
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Messages: 129
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Just Browsing but I did a 1-20 random event for Street gangs years ago - see attached file.
Use anything you like.

Attachments: Random_Events_f.doc (30.0 Kb)
CheDate: Thursday, 08-May-2014, 20:25:59 | Message # 7
Lieutenant general
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9/ Pick Pocket: Roll off..... loser loses 1 shiny or 1 card (not bane cards!). If player has nothing then nothing happens wacko

Added (08-May-2014, 7:25 PM)
10/ Word on the street; Roll off......winner gets to inspect a shiny.

Wargamers like to paint their privates!!
zellakDate: Thursday, 08-May-2014, 23:23:26 | Message # 8
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Messages: 1596
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Quote RMcN ()

Just Browsing but I did a 1-20 random event for Street gangs years ago - see attached file.
Use anything you like.

Cant get the link to work....dont have microsoft office.

Could you copy and paste it ?

Added (08-May-2014, 10:23 PM)

Quote Che ()
10/ Word on the street; Roll off......winner gets to inspect a shiny.

Like this one a lot. biggrin

.......................................... Word on the street. cool cool cool Kool.....

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
RMcNDate: Friday, 09-May-2014, 16:07:53 | Message # 9
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Member
Messages: 129
Reputation: 34
Status: Offline
Try downloading OPEN OFFICE its free - usually allow microsoft stuff to open.

Here is what was in the file:

Random Events

At specific points determined by the Games master / Umpire there will be a requirement to roll for a Random Event, some of these are harmless others are deadly. Once requested to do so roll 1D20 and consult the table below: One method take a card from a pack and get a random event if turn over a face card.

Dice Roll Random Event
1 Mine Field: set up in 4” grid around character. Anyone moves through or out of it must roll 1D6 and a 5 or 6 suffers a hit where a FW or less is
taken as a SW to the legs, and a SW or above is dead. A Techno geek can try to disarm an 1” grid per turn.

2, 6,14, 19 Animal Encounter: Roll 1D8 a 1,2 Spiders; 3,4 Rats; 5,6 Dogs; 7,8 Bats. Now roll as 4+1D6 for the number of animals who will attack in melee
for a round. If any killed take it they run away. Up to the Umpire if they follow at a distance or removed from play altogether.

3, 15 Aliens Attack: roll as 2+1D6 for number of aliens that appear. If any killed take it they run away. Up to the Umpire if they follow at a distance or
removed from play altogether.

4, 11 Nothing – false alarm!!

5, 12 Alarm Bells: you have set off the alarm the enemy know where you are and you lose initiative. Can be prevented by successful Techno Geek.

7 Ammo Cache Find: Roll 1D6 a “1-4” find one ammo for Automatic Rifle/Machine Pistol/ Machine Gun/Grenade/Carbine; a “5” find Laser
pistol/Rifles/Bazooka ammo for one pack, a “6” find ammo suitable for Flamer/ hand Flamer and Auto Cannon again for 1 pack. Note Automatic
pistols are assumed to have unlimited ammo.

8 Toxic Waste: Area in front of character in a 10” area is found to be Toxic, must be at least 3” away from it or will suffer 1SW/turn. Only
characters with PPE & breathing equipment can enter and move through this area safely.

9 Booby Trap: roll 1D3: 1 is a 4D6 hit on a roll of 5,6; 2 a 2D6 hit on a roll of 5,6; 3 a 3D6 hit on a roll of 5,6. A techno Geek may try to disarm
before firing if he generated random event.

10 CUNNING PLAN: The leader has a brainwave and moves his group within 12” a free move that cannot be interrupted. At end of move can only be
shot at if out in the open with no cover and in line of sight.

13 Road Block / Bad Going: All movement reduced to 1D6 for 8” area grid directly in front of character, or this could be an entire floor of a building.

16 Priorities Change: The nearest leader has a change of heart – isn’t it the night of the big game!! Decides to pull out with any gang member within
12” of him: roll 1D6 a 1-3 goes to left side of table from where he entered, a 4-6 goes off to the right side of where he entered. To get a
successful mission must leave without having had any killed or loosing any of the rest of his gang in future turns until safely off the table.

17 Mutant Gang Raid: Umpire rolls as 4+1D6 to determine how many and Umpire would select how well armed etc. These mutants will try to
capture one of your gang members but will retreat if any wounded or killed. Up to the Umpire if they follow at a distance or removed from play

18 Technology Find: roll 1D6: 1-3 get PPE equipment, 4-5 Gas Mask breathing equipment, 6 Anti-bobby trap device 9 immediately halts any trap or
mine field and can only be used once). For the PPE and breathing equipment roll 1D6 for the sets of equipment found.

20 Police In Area: Controlled by Umpire roll 1D6: 1-2 Armoured cops, 3-4 Normal Cops, 5,6 SWAT team. Roll as 4+1D6 as to how many come in.
Umpire should arrange skills and equipment. Will try to stop shooting and will engage any who attack them – back up will come if casualties. Take
it if normal cops they will be supported by armoured cops who would be supported by SWAT team.

zellakDate: Tuesday, 20-May-2014, 00:25:05 | Message # 10
Group: Member
Messages: 1596
Reputation: 65
Status: Offline
Like this one

11/ CUNNING PLAN: The leader has a brainwave and moves his gang a 12” free move.

and this one...

12/ TOXIC WASTE: roll off....winner places toxic container on the street. Gangers who activate within 8" of it take 1 white dice damage.

Added (12-May-2014, 8:02 PM)
13/ Fire !.....roll off...winner picks a building....everyone must leave as it goes on fire.

Added (19-May-2014, 11:25 PM)
14/ Breakdown....roll off...winner picks a vehicle....it breaks down, everybody out. fuck

Message edited by zellak - Saturday, 10-May-2014, 16:40:18

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
CheDate: Thursday, 22-May-2014, 16:15:12 | Message # 11
Lieutenant general
Group: Member
Messages: 553
Reputation: 67
Status: Offline
15/ Electrical Storm....Digital devices scrambled. Dekker info lost......reposition shinies.

16/ Leak at local chemical plant....roll off....loser misses rest of turn.

Wargamers like to paint their privates!!
zellakDate: Thursday, 29-May-2014, 19:20:23 | Message # 12
Group: Member
Messages: 1596
Reputation: 65
Status: Offline
Aye....those are good !

we just need a few more.................

Added (29-May-2014, 6:20 PM)
17/ Urgent phone call ! .....roll off, winner picks a ganger.....he/she must go home, as his dinner is ready. -1 Kool.

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
CheDate: Friday, 30-May-2014, 08:14:35 | Message # 13
Lieutenant general
Group: Member
Messages: 553
Reputation: 67
Status: Offline
Good one! lol

Wargamers like to paint their privates!!
zellakDate: Sunday, 01-Jun-2014, 21:16:40 | Message # 14
Group: Member
Messages: 1596
Reputation: 65
Status: Offline
We put a random event die in the bag and were going to activate an event on a roll of 6 on 1D6...

But didn't roll any............ dry

So second game we rolled for an event every time the random event die was pulled from the bag...... to many events.... sad

We could alter the number needed to activate an event ?

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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