Gang number / Ganger size / Gang name / player / Turfs
1/ x7 / none / Cugster/none
2/ x6 / none / Pavlov / none
3 / x5 / none / Ross / Riverside
4 / x5 / none / Rory / Airport
5 / x2 / The Hopeless / Howard / none
6 / x3 / Dredds / Balrog / none
7 / Wipeout
8 / x9 / none / Mark / Chinatown and Washington
9 / x4 / Thunderbirds / Che / Shantytown & Richmond.
10 / x5 / none / Zealyot / none
11 / x8 / Skorpions/ zellak / Projects
12 / x6 / none / Aiden / Industrial Estate.
First gang to control 4 Turfs is the winner.
Richmond 7 hired guns
Airport 2 hired guns
Riverside 7 hired guns
Chinatown 4 hired guns
Industrial estate 11 hired guns
Projects 6 hired guns
Shantytown 3 hired guns
Washington 0 hired guns..............................Two games played today.
Gang 4 managed to hold off the Skorpions and the Thunderbirds who attacked the Airport.
And Zealyots gang made their debut.....but now really need a Turf of their own.
Added (02-Nov-2012, 8:56 PM)
Gang number / Ganger size / Gang name / player / Turfs
1/ x7 / none / Cugster/none
2/ x6 / none / Pavlov / none
3 / x6 /Drambusters / Ross / Riverside
4 / x4 / none / Rory / Airport
5 / x2 / The Hopeless / Howard / none
6 / x3 /Dredds / Balrog / none
7 / Wipeout
8 / x9 / none / Mark / Chinatown and Washington
9 / x5 /Thunderbirds / Che / Shantytown & Richmond & Downtown (1 more to win !)
10 / x5 / none / Zealyot / none
11 / x7 / Skorpions / zellak / Projects
12 / x6 / none / Aiden / Industrial Estate.
First gang to control 4 Turfs is the winner.
Richmond 7 hired guns
Airport 1 hired guns
Riverside 7 hired guns
Chinatown 4 hired guns
Industrial Estate 10 hired guns
Projects 7 hired guns
Shantytown 4 hired guns
Washington 0 hired guns
Downtown 0 hired guns
The Dump 0 hired guns
Next game , "Battle of the Dump"
Still waiting for gang names from, Cugster, Pavlov, Rory, Mark, Zealyot and Aiden.Added (23-Dec-2012, 9:53 PM)
Congratulations to Che on winning the campaign.
Well played !