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40K armies with Bolt Action rules
p1fxDate: Thursday, 16-May-2013, 14:58:43 | Message # 21
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Would you just do the same for Fearless, Stubborn etc?
BanksiDate: Thursday, 16-May-2013, 16:24:25 | Message # 22
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Quote (p1fx)
Would you just do the same for Fearless, Stubborn etc?

Yes, probably, We haven't sorted out many of the special abilities yet but there will be abilities on both sets of rules that are similar and interchangeable.

Of course I know your name, it's your face I can't remember - Parahandy
BanksiDate: Sunday, 14-Jul-2013, 16:23:53 | Message # 23
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Having seen this on the Warlord forum i thought it might be of interest to the those helping in our 40k /bolt action conversion. It would seem the the new Rick Priestley scifi rules will use bolt action dice, so there might be another similarities with Bolt Action


Of course I know your name, it's your face I can't remember - Parahandy
zellakDate: Monday, 15-Jul-2013, 16:18:03 | Message # 24
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Not a lot of info on the actual rules.

They use a D10....which is good. happy

Added (15-Jul-2013, 3:18 PM)
From the site :

The game has undergone a fairly major change since we published the first on-line version, and one of the biggest changes is to adopt the Warlord Games alternating Order Dice system that is also used in Bolt Action.

In fact I’ve adapted the system somewhat to preserve the action/reaction system in the original Antares rules, and I have to say it’s really made the game flow more smoothly as well as introducing a pleasing element of tension into affairs.

I’ve also preserved the D10 driven decimal mechanics that give the game its inherent flexibility and character. A new downloadable version of the basic game is in preparation and we should have that available for you over the new few months

Oh Goody.... a free set of rules to learn. smile
Message edited by zellak - Monday, 15-Jul-2013, 16:19:24

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
BanksiDate: Monday, 15-Jul-2013, 19:22:35 | Message # 25
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Looks like a 40-50 figure army, 4 factions, D10 and a Rick Priestley set of rules.

Of course I know your name, it's your face I can't remember - Parahandy
zellakDate: Wednesday, 17-Jul-2013, 19:55:40 | Message # 26
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Quote (Zealyot)
I'm almost finished with the Space Marines

I would be interested to see what you have so far. smile

Added (17-Jul-2013, 6:55 PM)
Quote (pavlov)


I'm up for doing the chaos marines and orks.


Ditto Pavlov. happy
Message edited by zellak - Wednesday, 17-Jul-2013, 19:56:04

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
pavlovDate: Wednesday, 17-Jul-2013, 20:26:01 | Message # 27
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Not a lot on mine at the moment

pistols as per bolt action

shotguns as per bolt action


heavy stubbers = b.a.r's


reaper autocannon= lmg

heavy bolter=lmg

storm bolter=hmg

flamer and heavy flamer as per bolt action i.e. infantry and tank

missile launcher=bazooka use he and at to cover frag and krak

All of the above can change, I think we should have a sit down with everyone that's up for this to sort out some of the stuff , i.e. how to classify troop types are spacca marines vet's are orc's volkstrumme etc etc.

Message edited by pavlov - Wednesday, 17-Jul-2013, 20:26:27

There is f&*k all cool about 10+ civil engineers running around every battlefield
BanksiDate: Wednesday, 17-Jul-2013, 21:44:42 | Message # 28
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Of course I know your name, it's your face I can't remember - Parahandy
pavlovDate: Wednesday, 17-Jul-2013, 23:02:22 | Message # 29
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Clicked on the kickstarter link and it has cancelled at the head of it so dont know whats going on with the kickstarter .

I think they should be showing some evidence of progress rather than scrounging via kickstarter lets face it stallard and priestly could buy and sell half of the country and could easily fund this from there own pocked this is backdoor pre ordering without anything to show other than one green and some drawings, but if the they get them out and the rules are as much fun as b/a then another tree will be felled in order to print my copy biggrin


There is f&*k all cool about 10+ civil engineers running around every battlefield
BanksiDate: Thursday, 18-Jul-2013, 17:31:22 | Message # 30
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If you read down there are a few links, it give you stats for one or two weapons and for a fighter, in truth it looks like a different version of 40k, also one of the videos tels you about movement with units being allowed to move more than once.

The more i read the less interested I get in this new game, We don't need another 40k clone!

Of course I know your name, it's your face I can't remember - Parahandy
zellakDate: Thursday, 18-Jul-2013, 21:35:18 | Message # 31
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Quote (Banksi)
We don't need another 40k clone!

Agreed.......what we need is Bolt Action.

With a few tweaks to dovetail the flavour of old school WH40K.

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
CRUSAD3RDate: Thursday, 18-Jul-2013, 22:19:39 | Message # 32
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How about one or two Sundays when all parties aren't busy, we take the last two or three hours out of the day to start writing down all our ideas. But maybe limit the number of people switching the rules, say 6 or 7 people taking two or three armies each, that should be enough to cover it all and not be too many to create many arguments, does this sound reasonable. I count 15 armies on GW's website, but I say we should just take the main ones that people play. Maybe create a poll thread with these 15 armies and an other category and the main ones which get more than two or three, we will consider writing rules for them. Does this sound like a good idea, if it is a pile of rubbish then just simply ignore this post and carry on with what you were talking about.

Thanks for reading!

'Cowards die many times before their actual deaths,' Augustus Gaius Julius César.
pavlovDate: Thursday, 18-Jul-2013, 22:51:06 | Message # 33
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I dont think it will take much to tweek the 1940k rules Ian has done the eldar kieran is doing the Spacca marines i'm doing chaos marines/orcs if you or hugh want to do the tau from that we should be able to have a right good argument on the forum just like old times biggrin kidding aside we should be able to get some playtest games done to see whats what.

Oh and as others want to join with other races then we can sort that out as we go along I dont think there's any need to do all the races at once...... I look at the eldar weapons and cant make head nor tail of it all shuriken wotsit etc.

No need to reinvent the wheel.

Message edited by pavlov - Thursday, 18-Jul-2013, 22:55:18

There is f&*k all cool about 10+ civil engineers running around every battlefield
CRUSAD3RDate: Friday, 19-Jul-2013, 11:59:10 | Message # 34
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Righty ho then, I'll take the tau since I have the new codex but I'll need to borrow a set of bolt action rules so that I can successfully complete the set of rules. Would anyone be so kind and lend me one to take away this Sunday?

'Cowards die many times before their actual deaths,' Augustus Gaius Julius César.
pavlovDate: Friday, 19-Jul-2013, 19:49:46 | Message # 35
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Naw biggrin


will brng them in on sunday

There is f&*k all cool about 10+ civil engineers running around every battlefield
zellakDate: Friday, 19-Jul-2013, 20:35:16 | Message # 36
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Quote (CRUSAD3R)
Righty ho then, I'll take the tau

Excellent biggrin

When calculating vehicles....this might help....its from page 1 of this thread.

In fact because both systems use a factor + 1d6.....it could be said

BA Super heavy armour 11+ = WH40K Armour 14

Heavy armour 10+ = WH40K Armour 13

Medium armour 9+ = WH40K Armour 12

Light armour 8+ = WH40K Armour 11

APC / armour car 7+ = WH40K Armour 10

( there is a calculation on that post attempting to verify this assumption. )

Added (19-Jul-2013, 7:18 PM)


The third post on page 2 (Banksi)

Has a link to the Quick Reference Sheet.

This has all the weapons available for WW2.

Note ; there are no missiles. But people have been offering that they could be represented with AT guns and HE.

ps.....i cant find the shotguns Pavlov wacko

Added (19-Jul-2013, 7:35 PM)

1) i am still available for playtesting. (though i dont have time to help write anything.)

2) i would recommend all squads are in 5 man teams ( like epic), HW teams or individual heroes. To make points calculations much easier.

3) A personal preference, i like Tanks and APCs....i dont expect anyone to like this dry ........

...........but i would reduce the infantry movement to 4" in order to make transports more important.

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
pavlovDate: Friday, 19-Jul-2013, 22:44:10 | Message # 37
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I would like as little as possible changed until we can get some games on the table and see the results even in the rules as they stand you can still take 5 man teams, the plan is to use as much of the stuff in the 40k game within reason (no titans) so tanks and apc's would be in order just need to be tweeked a bit.

4 inches is too short .............or so they say biggrin


There is f&*k all cool about 10+ civil engineers running around every battlefield
ZealyotDate: Saturday, 20-Jul-2013, 00:13:26 | Message # 38
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Here's a rough draft for the Space Marines, still a few odd bits and pieces to add but mostly done
Attachments: 1940k_Space_Mar.xlsx (16.5 Kb)

"In brightest day,
in blackest night,
no evil shall escape my sight,
let those who worship evil's might,
beware my power,
Green Lantern's light!"
zellakDate: Tuesday, 23-Jul-2013, 10:53:35 | Message # 39
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Troop classifications will be difficult.

Bolt Action has 3 categories

Inexperienced (no combat experience) killed on a 3+

Regular ( some combat experience) killed on a 4+

Veteran (special training, extensive combat experience) killed on a 5+

But none of these wear armour ( # ).....so the numbers above are due to higher levels of skill in " fieldcraft"

( a military term for using the cover available to best advantage.)

The tricky bit will be assigning classifications which will take into account fieldcraft, armour, and in some cases natural toughness.

(#) exception = russian sappers wore armour breastplates.

Added (23-Jul-2013, 9:42 AM)
Following on from another thread (Tau) i would suggest we reclassify troops for 1940K

Soft vehicles....killed on a 6+ =Elite (examples : Tau Battlesuits / OrK Nobz / Terminators (Imperial + Chaos) / Eldar heavy armour Aspects

Veteran .........killed on a 5+ = Veteran ( Space Marines, Chaos Marines )

Regular ...........killed on a 4+ = Regular ( IG veterans / Eldar guardians / Orks )

Inexperienced...killed on a 3+ = Conscript ( IG / Gretchin / Kroot )

Added (23-Jul-2013, 9:53 AM)
This might roughly fit with the current strength of the troops in the WH40K game. (( SHRUGS ))

Of course it would not fit with the fluff / novels, to do that... Space Marines would be a 6+ to kill and Terminator armour would be a 7+ wink

Message edited by zellak - Tuesday, 23-Jul-2013, 10:49:14

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
zellakDate: Tuesday, 23-Jul-2013, 18:14:02 | Message # 40
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Some interesting game mechanics there Banksi. biggrin

How do the BA rule writers factor in the armour worn by Soviet sappers ?

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "

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