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Heroclix league
ZealyotDate: Tuesday, 22-May-2012, 02:13:41 | Message # 1
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Member
Messages: 106
Reputation: 16
Status: Offline
Just thought I'd set up this thread for us to sort out the league and post any ideas we have for it.

So here's a rough idea of what we've got so far

There will be a £10 entry fee(this will go towards a figure as the first place prize and smaller prize for the runner up)

Each player will have a 600 point force with a 200 point sub-bench for trading out between games which will be decided on before the start of the league.
A list of each force will be handed to the umpire(me) the week of or week prior to the first games of the league.

The only additional force building restrictions in place will be as follows:
1. No colossal figures
2. No figure over 300 points

The games will last exactly one hour(as timed by the umpire) and all games will begin and end at the same time.
At the end of the hour the game ends, even in the middle of a players turn, the only exception to this is if the dice roll for the action has been rolled just prior to or the very second when the umpire calls game end.

The games will be played using the victory points system(each player totals up the points of what they have killed and the one with the highest total wins)

The league will be worked out usin the points system below:

Wipe out opponent=3
At the end of each one hour block the umpire will go around each table and take note of each result.

The next few weeks will be practise games so that people that haven played very much can get some more experience and so players can perfect the force they actually want to use for their league games.

One more note on the games themselves, a player can challenge any other player in the league to a match (there will be no penalty for declining) but if the player accepts you must play a game against another two opponents before you can challenge them again.

How long the league will be run for will probably be decided on Sunday.

All that's left to say is good luck and Happy gaming everyone
Message edited by Zealyot - Wednesday, 23-May-2012, 17:20:36

"In brightest day,
in blackest night,
no evil shall escape my sight,
let those who worship evil's might,
beware my power,
Green Lantern's light!"
BalrogDate: Tuesday, 22-May-2012, 06:58:11 | Message # 2
Aun Va III
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Messages: 667
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Heroclix is certainly looking good! Excellent models, quickplay rules, easy to follow stats on the models base ... it's all there! My personal fav hero (at the mo!) is Dr Strange ...

... a hero of great magical prowess!

Here's an excellent website for Marvel Heroes & Villains ... http://marvel.com/characters?nav=1 ... does anyone have any others?

Good luck with ur "Super" league! ... Walts
EtriganDate: Tuesday, 22-May-2012, 19:25:36 | Message # 3
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Messages: 27
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The only other suggestion that was going through my head was a 200pt "sub bench" which you could chop and change with your regular 600pt team but before set-up as not to give an unfair advantage over each other.

P.s. I would say that if you were wanting to challenge someone else in the league not to use your league team for each player since yet again it would be getting prctise or tips on beating each person team.

P.p.s Are the team Names/lists going to be posted online? I.M.O. I would have only the names posted and not the squads.
Message edited by Etrigan - Tuesday, 22-May-2012, 19:39:48

“ Yarva Demonicus Etrigan.
Change, change the form of man.
Free the prince forever damned.
Free the might from fleshy mire.
Boil the blood in heart of fire.
Gone, gone the form of man,
Rise the demon Etrigan!
ZealyotDate: Wednesday, 23-May-2012, 17:20:03 | Message # 4
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Member
Messages: 106
Reputation: 16
Status: Offline
Quote (Etrigan)
The only other suggestion that was going through my head was a 200pt "sub bench" which you could chop and change with your regular 600pt team but before set-up as not to give an unfair advantage over each other.

This is quite a good idea and as such has been added to the league rules.

Quote (Etrigan)
P.s. I would say that if you were wanting to challenge someone else in the league not to use your league team for each player since yet again it would be getting prctise or tips on beating each person team.

You can play a random game of Heroclix for the fun of it if you want, the whole reason I put in the challenge rule was to give people that don't want to play Heroclix for 6 or more weeks on the trot the flexibility to go and do other things without having to worry about holding up the rest of us.

Quote (Etrigan)
P.p.s Are the team Names/lists going to be posted online? I.M.O. I would have only the names posted and not the squads.

I understand what you're saying and after looking at it again I completely agree therefore it will only be the team names that will be posted up

e.g. Aidens Avengers or Kieran's X-Men

"In brightest day,
in blackest night,
no evil shall escape my sight,
let those who worship evil's might,
beware my power,
Green Lantern's light!"
InkwaveDate: Monday, 28-May-2012, 20:32:03 | Message # 5
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Hmm Team name ...must decide on witty team name biggrin

EtriganDate: Monday, 28-May-2012, 21:09:32 | Message # 6
Group: Member
Messages: 27
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
When do the team names and squad need to be in for?

“ Yarva Demonicus Etrigan.
Change, change the form of man.
Free the prince forever damned.
Free the might from fleshy mire.
Boil the blood in heart of fire.
Gone, gone the form of man,
Rise the demon Etrigan!
ZealyotDate: Tuesday, 29-May-2012, 01:25:20 | Message # 7
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Member
Messages: 106
Reputation: 16
Status: Offline
The names and squad lists need to be in for this Sunday as it is the first week of the league

"In brightest day,
in blackest night,
no evil shall escape my sight,
let those who worship evil's might,
beware my power,
Green Lantern's light!"
EtriganDate: Tuesday, 29-May-2012, 19:27:50 | Message # 8
Group: Member
Messages: 27
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
might decide on my team tonight then. Since got not much to do tonight

“ Yarva Demonicus Etrigan.
Change, change the form of man.
Free the prince forever damned.
Free the might from fleshy mire.
Boil the blood in heart of fire.
Gone, gone the form of man,
Rise the demon Etrigan!
--GDate: Saturday, 02-Jun-2012, 14:23:03 | Message # 9
Group: Member
Messages: 3
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Status: Offline
biggrin im quite looking forward 2 the start of the league Kieran is our preisdent of the league but id like to b down as the founder hahaha jokin
are all the first round match's set??? and do we have the final number yet??

on a personal note Kieron i am much looking forward 2 smashing ur laten core :D:D muhahaha
ZealyotDate: Saturday, 02-Jun-2012, 14:30:50 | Message # 10
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Member
Messages: 106
Reputation: 16
Status: Offline
Sadly you'll be playing Jason first now G because I need to kick Mark's but in the AT-43 campaign first but I should have time to beat up your team before the end of the day:-P

Added (02-Jun-2012, 2:30 PM)
Sadly you'll be playing Jason first now G because I need to kick Mark's but in the AT-43 campaign first but I should have time to beat up your team before the end of the day:-P

"In brightest day,
in blackest night,
no evil shall escape my sight,
let those who worship evil's might,
beware my power,
Green Lantern's light!"
--GDate: Saturday, 02-Jun-2012, 14:31:54 | Message # 11
Group: Member
Messages: 3
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Kieron of all people i expected to dodge to me i didnt think u would im disappointed dont forget to bring & wear ur coward mood ring on sunday biggrin haha have we got a final number for the league yet?
ZealyotDate: Sunday, 03-Jun-2012, 18:19:21 | Message # 12
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Member
Messages: 106
Reputation: 16
Status: Offline
So far there should be 7 of us so no one'll be out of a game on Sunday without me smile

Added (03-Jun-2012, 6:19 PM)
Hey Guys just on to say that the results from today WILL STAND so any games played count.

Another point is that from now on if you get to a point in the game were you believe you cannot do any damage to your opponent you immediately count up victory points.

And from now on if you retreat your team off of the table it counts as a massacre for your opponent and hence they will be awarded 3 points.

"In brightest day,
in blackest night,
no evil shall escape my sight,
let those who worship evil's might,
beware my power,
Green Lantern's light!"
--GDate: Sunday, 03-Jun-2012, 20:16:44 | Message # 13
Group: Member
Messages: 3
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
i would also like to suggest that the extra person out of our 7 b a moderater 2 make sure all games are above board
are all team names in??
ZealyotDate: Sunday, 03-Jun-2012, 22:38:52 | Message # 14
Lieutenant colonel
Group: Member
Messages: 106
Reputation: 16
Status: Offline
There's actually 8 of us now because martin's joining in now as well.

Not yet but I'll be getting them in soon.

"In brightest day,
in blackest night,
no evil shall escape my sight,
let those who worship evil's might,
beware my power,
Green Lantern's light!"
EtriganDate: Monday, 04-Jun-2012, 20:42:33 | Message # 15
Group: Member
Messages: 27
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
I wouuldn't mind moderating each game but I would obviously play my own as well

“ Yarva Demonicus Etrigan.
Change, change the form of man.
Free the prince forever damned.
Free the might from fleshy mire.
Boil the blood in heart of fire.
Gone, gone the form of man,
Rise the demon Etrigan!
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