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Orcs & Goblins Army
MorgothDate: Saturday, 29-Sep-2012, 06:10:42 | Message # 1
Major general
Group: Administrators
Messages: 284
Status: Offline
Hi Guys .... Finaaaaaaally got some time away from the "house-work" and can now get back into my Orcs & Goblins army ... Waaaaggghhhhhh! Been painting dribs & drabs over the past few months, so here's what I've got painted at the mo ...
    Orcs & Goblins Army (Currently Painted)

    3 Trolls ...... Website Link: Mr Brown, Mr Red & Mr Yellow!
    10 Goblin Wolf Riders

    34 Orc Boyz - Spears
    30 Orc Boyz - Shields and/or Choppa’s

    3 Orc Leaders
    4 Orc Flag Bearers
    3 Orc Drummers

    1 Orc Boss On Boar

    20 Black Orcs (Mean & nasty lookin' ... crush 'em Boyz!!!!)
    1 Black Orc Boss

    14 Orc Riders (Spears) – Boars

    74 Goblin – Spears
    17 Goblins – Shield & Spear
    2 Goblin Leaders
    2 Goblin Flag Bearers
    2 Drummers

    17 Goblin – Spear & Shield
    Goblin Leader & Flag Bearer & Drummer

    4 Goblin Fanatics
... I've been buying up the following models as well, so will also have the following by the end of the week ...

    1 Giant
    6 Snotlings
    2 Doom Divers
... The list is never ending for Orcs & Goblins, and I haven't been checking the armybook for what to really get, but I've a load of undercoated/u.n.p.a.i.n.t.e.d models lying in boxes that I'll be working through now I've got time to get on with things.

Anyone got any suggestions for what I should be looking for next to beef up my every growing army? ... Walts

Added (28-Sep-2012, 7:45 PM)
Hi Guys ... Took some pictures of the Gobbo's I've been painting the past couple of weeks ...

The Battleground! ... Lots to do to finish of my Gobbo's ...

The (reallllly) old GW models (1990!) are all done ... just over 60 of these mob-handed toe-rags! wink Going to add some shields to a bunch of them to show diff unit stats.

I like the old GW Goblin models ... their a bit bigger and have enough scope for finishing details. And they look meaner ... Waaaggghhhh! cool Just need to get some flags sorted.

The newer Gobbo's are still cool with odd quirks to the shamans, leaders & command models, but just a bit small when beside Orcs!

And last, but not least, a couple of bowmen to fire off those toothpicks ... War On!

I had lots of fun experimenting with these models, using diff skin tones and shading techniques, along with the wacky mushrooms floating about the place ... Gobbo's are def fun to paint, just wish the newer models where bigger.

Thanks for looking! biggrin ... Walts

Added (29-Sep-2012, 6:10 AM)
... and another, this time the banner of the Crooked Moon Tribe for my Night Goblins ...

Didn't realise that you could get pre-made banners, so luckily one of the chaps at da-warpath.com pointed me in the right direction .... crackBay! Opps, eBay, but u knew what I meant! wink

Def adds a lot more character to the model ... Walts

"The thing's hollow .. it goes on forever .. and .. oh my God! ... it's full of stars!"
zellakDate: Saturday, 29-Sep-2012, 21:17:53 | Message # 2
Group: Member
Messages: 1596
Reputation: 65
Status: Offline
Looking forward to seeing your Goblins in the flesh tomorrow. happy

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
MorgothDate: Sunday, 30-Sep-2012, 07:56:28 | Message # 3
Major general
Group: Administrators
Messages: 284
Status: Offline
Hi Z ... I'm dreading bring them as I don't have anything decent to put them in! surprised

I didn't realise that the models in general are bigger than my LoTr & Tau models I have, which have nice KR Multicase foam trays to protect them, so was just going to use those trays to bring my Os&Gs hordes in ... no chance!

Just stuck them in a couple of boxes for now with foam sheets to protect them ... I'll see how much of a train-wreck they suffer by the time I get to the club fie

Bringing the old digi-camera for some game shots to show off KoW, and my ugly Orc & Goblin hordes! War On! ... Walts

"The thing's hollow .. it goes on forever .. and .. oh my God! ... it's full of stars!"
zellakDate: Sunday, 30-Sep-2012, 19:56:24 | Message # 4
Group: Member
Messages: 1596
Reputation: 65
Status: Offline
Looking forward to seeing the pictures you took. happy

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
MorgothDate: Sunday, 11-Nov-2012, 21:48:21 | Message # 5
Major general
Group: Administrators
Messages: 284
Status: Offline
Hey Warmongers ... Got another batch of my Warhammer Fantasy boyz painted ... Black Orcs! Be afraid, be Waaaaaghhhhh afraid! tongue

Here's the warband ...

... and a close up of the gang! ...

... I've added in Gore Red to give them a squint on the norm, with the flag being soaked in the blood of all those who have fallen before this mighty warband ... War ON, if u dare! wink ... Walts

"The thing's hollow .. it goes on forever .. and .. oh my God! ... it's full of stars!"
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