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8th Ed Magic Rule - 6's & Miscast!!!!
BalrogDate: Thursday, 29-Mar-2012, 12:59:36 | Message # 1
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
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Having been away from Warhammer Fantasy for an age, I've managed to get myself the 8th Edition rules and began familiarising myself with the game again, but I ain't happy about the new ruling that when rolling to see if a spell has been cast successfully a roll of 2 6’s now means the spell is cast with irresistible force but that the caster must roll on the miscast table ... what's that all about!!!

I want to be as happy as a pig-in-pooh when I get 6's, not happy/crazy at the same time! Bring back the old miscast on 2 1's and keep the irresistible force on 2 6's!

What say u warriors of the west! ... Walts
Jeffrey222Date: Monday, 28-May-2012, 21:25:20 | Message # 2
Group: Confirmed
Messages: 16
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Balrog, i think the new rules are good i to show the wizard putting to much power into the spell and the disaster that can follow
MorgothDate: Tuesday, 29-May-2012, 02:31:04 | Message # 3
Major general
Group: Administrators
Messages: 284
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Yeah, I'm beginning to see it's a "six & half-a-dozen" rule. Having had a handful of games, it's worked in my favour as opposing spell casters have suffered rolling the two 6's and caused devastation on their own warriors! pocus

I'm still a bit stuck on the 6th Ed rules which kept the two 1's as a failure so u suffer and the two 6's as irr force. Time to move on to the modern world! wink ... Walts

PS: This post has been made with my new "pseudo-member" to clarify when posting as the Administrator or just my personal rants.

"The thing's hollow .. it goes on forever .. and .. oh my God! ... it's full of stars!"
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