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gerrywithaGDate: Thursday, 16-Feb-2012, 21:48:40 | Message # 1
Major general
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Messages: 251
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Hi Gents,

Below I've listed a number of the current InHouse Rules. I have listed them in numerical order. Please indicate if you think we continue with them in their current form or if they require any work.




1/ Line of Sight/Shooting

2/ Results Stand

3/ Field/Combat Engineers

5/ MedTec Unit Morale Rule

6/ Artillery Strike- Against "Secured" Terrain/Buildings

7/ Lt Fortuna

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BalrogDate: Thursday, 16-Feb-2012, 22:09:57 | Message # 2
Aun Va III
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Messages: 667
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Hi Gerry ... If I was to be honest, I've lost track of where we are with those rules? Can u cut&paste where we're at with them, then I'll give my opinions, Thanks, Walts
gerrywithaGDate: Thursday, 16-Feb-2012, 22:15:08 | Message # 3
Major general
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Quote (Balrog)
Hi Gerry ... If I was to be honest, I've lost track of where we are with those rules? Can u cut&paste where we're at with them, then I'll give my opinions, Thanks, Walts

Sorry , but i'm not doing all the work for people. dry wacko dry

They're in The Inhouse Rules section on the website so it just requires a quick visit to that to refresh people's memories


And I am watching YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
BalrogDate: Thursday, 16-Feb-2012, 23:19:21 | Message # 4
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
Status: Offline
Hi Gerry, that's fine ... just wasn't sure if anything had changed. Here's the link to the "current" inHouse Rules PDF ... AT-43 inHouse Rules ... Walts
zellakDate: Friday, 17-Feb-2012, 11:32:53 | Message # 5
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1/ Line of Sight/Shooting Leave as is.

2/ Results StandLeave as is

3/ Field/Combat Engineers Leave as is

5/ MedTec Unit Morale Rule i think we should redefine them as support units.

6/ Artillery Strike- Against "Secured" Terrain/Buildings NA to this campaign

7/ Lt Fortuna Leave as is

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
BalrogDate: Friday, 17-Feb-2012, 20:14:36 | Message # 6
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
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Hi Gerry ... some thoughts, based solely on the PDF doc ...

1/ Line of Sight/Shooting - I'm happy to go with centre of model for LoS, regardless of weapon positions.

2/ Results Stand - Each game which cry's of "foul play" should be addressed on their own merits.

3/ Field/Combat Engineers - As Frostbite (Page 11) rules.

5/ MedTec Unit Morale Rule - As per Frostbite Rules (P128) - Type II Inf (3 Medics) - Need to roll for morale each round, unless numbers increased to 4.

6/ Artillery Strike- Against "Secured" Terrain/Buildings - Use "Bunker - Improved Cover" rules (FB - Page 15)

7/ Lt Fortuna - One per army

... Hope I haven't said too much? ... Walts
gerrywithaGDate: Friday, 17-Feb-2012, 20:25:41 | Message # 7
Major general
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Quote (Balrog)
... Hope I haven't said too much? ... Walts

No Walts. Exactly the concise, to the point opinions and feedback I want.



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pavlovDate: Friday, 17-Feb-2012, 20:40:50 | Message # 8
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1/ Line of Sight/Shooting Leave as is.

2/ Results Stands if you don flag it at the game dont bitch about it afterwards

3/ Field/Combat Engineers Leave as is

5/ MedTec Unit Morale Rule test for moral when at 1, which I think might be a support unit.

6/ Artillery Strike- Against "Secured" Terrain/Buildings NA to this campaign but need to be fixed for the overall game so I agree with Walter treat as bunker

7/ Lt Fortuna anyone can have fortuna or her cousin Frank Fortuna or her mexican cousin costin me a fortuna

And with that i'll get my coat.

There is f&*k all cool about 10+ civil engineers running around every battlefield
ZealyotDate: Saturday, 18-Feb-2012, 01:27:55 | Message # 9
Lieutenant colonel
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1/ Line of Sight/Shooting: leave as is

2/ Results Stand: If you don't bring up the problem at the time then its your own fault

3/ Field/Combat Engineers: Leave as is

5/ MedTec Unit Morale Rule: take test at one fighter

6/ Artillery Strike- Against "Secured" Terrain/Buildings: NA

7/ Lt Fortuna: anyone can have Lt fortuna

"In brightest day,
in blackest night,
no evil shall escape my sight,
let those who worship evil's might,
beware my power,
Green Lantern's light!"
BanksiDate: Saturday, 18-Feb-2012, 21:04:50 | Message # 10
Major general
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1/ Line of Sight/Shooting: leave as is

2/ Results Stand: Bring up the problem at the time then if an agreement cant be reached between players then call umpire, if a MAJOR mistake is later spotted, points could be deducted for the win.

3/ Field/Combat Engineers: Leave as is

5/ MedTec Unit Morale Rule: type 3 is too powerful, loss of a unit better

6/ Artillery Strike- Against "Secured" Terrain/Buildings: NA

7/ Lt Fortuna: One per army
Message edited by Banksi - Saturday, 18-Feb-2012, 21:06:17

Of course I know your name, it's your face I can't remember - Parahandy
gerrywithaGDate: Tuesday, 28-Feb-2012, 02:24:39 | Message # 11
Major general
Group: Confirmed
Messages: 251
Reputation: 19
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Any other opinions on this from anybody else on this??

I'll close this off on Friday and post my decision then

Da' Umpire

And I am watching YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
BalrogDate: Friday, 02-Mar-2012, 00:53:07 | Message # 12
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
Status: Offline
Hi Gerry ... One last point on option 6 ...

Quote (Balrog)
6/ Artillery Strike- Against "Secured" Terrain/Buildings - Use "Bunker - Improved Cover" rules (FB - Page 15)

... We could use the bunker rules as a guideline for any/all secure terrain/building situations, in case any crop up unexpectedly?

And we know that's what always happens! wink ... Walts
gerrywithaGDate: Sunday, 18-Mar-2012, 00:19:25 | Message # 13
Major general
Group: Confirmed
Messages: 251
Reputation: 19
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This thread is now closed

Moderator, please close this thread



And I am watching YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
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