Quote (zellak)
Are you planning on getting his buildings for the Prestwick club ?
Yeah ... there's little to no real scenery there for 40k, so they will be ideal. I'll let u know how I get on ... lots of "bantering" going on! ... WaltsAdded (16-Feb-2013, 7:23 PM)
Hi Guys ... Just to update u on things. I didn't manage to get any of the buildings, they where a bit too much. Me, Marko & zellak all bought along with the club, so the P&P (12e) will be split equally between us all ... 4e ... The chap will send on Monday, so we might be lucky and get them for the club next week!
I'd managed to get the following for the club ...
2x Steel TacArm Unit = 16e (16e)
1x Jam TacArm Unit = 8e (24e)
1x Captain Newton = 4e (28e)
2x AT-43 token set = 10e (38e)
6x Containers (unDamaged - @7.5e each) = 45e (83e)
P&P = 4e (87e)
Club Total: 87e = £76.67 (based on PayPal exchange rate at the time of payment)
zellaks set of 3 Dragonov snipers was 6 Euro's, so 10 Euro's for u = £8.81.
Hope that's all OK? ... Walts
Added (16-Feb-2013, 7:27 PM)
... If there's anything there that the club doesn't need, I'll happily take them for my Damocles sets ... Walts
Added (24-Feb-2013, 8:08 AM)
Goodies came OK! ... Walts