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Open R (AT-43 Army List Generator) Tool - Buggy!
BalrogDate: Thursday, 20-Oct-2011, 00:00:05 | Message # 1
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
Status: Offline
Hi Guys ... Having had another play about with the Open R Tool, used to generate AT-43 army lists, I've found yet further bugs when looking at ALL the other army's factions and doing quick compares with their PDF armybooks!

IF you are using this tool to generate your companies, please cross-compare all units with your faction advantages and disadvantages, point costs and wether u can even have those units!

It's great as a quick fix tool for creating companies, but the more I check on other army factions, more bugs keep cropping up, so please ... ALWAYS cross check ur army & faction rulebook for 100% confirmation.

I think this is where a campaign umpire would be able to check company armies for error's. I can see why players are having problems getting their faction lists 100% right, and too be honest, plan to check my last Red Blok faction for any bugs ... Walts
CheDate: Friday, 21-Oct-2011, 19:59:25 | Message # 2
Lieutenant general
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Work it out with a pencil!
Message edited by Che - Friday, 21-Oct-2011, 20:01:40

Wargamers like to paint their privates!!
BalrogDate: Friday, 21-Oct-2011, 20:38:24 | Message # 3
Aun Va III
Group: Member
Messages: 667
Status: Offline
Quote (Che)
Work it out with a pencil!

Hey Che ... a "Pencil" ... unsure what's that? Some laptop device for punching the keypad with or a PC plugin?? huh

BUT Seriously wink ... everyone ... the Open R tools good for creating quick lists, just check them against ur armylist & faction.

Thanks for the pep bonus Che friends ... I think the Red Blok ideals are rubbing off on me! ... Walts
pavlovDate: Friday, 21-Oct-2011, 22:10:27 | Message # 4
Major general
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If your finding bugs post them on the forum, I did say when I recomended the program that you should check lists.

The program developer even recomends that you check lists against army books so it's not a revalation that there bugs and lets face it even writing your own lists is not foolproof.

We dont have enough bodies with experience to umpire all games.


There is f&*k all cool about 10+ civil engineers running around every battlefield
CheDate: Saturday, 22-Oct-2011, 20:39:50 | Message # 5
Lieutenant general
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Messages: 553
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Quote (Balrog)
BUT Seriously

In my experience that's when the problems start! In the spirit of '68 (19' that is) Red Blok rules despite the evidence to the contrary. My soubriquette is not 'Che' for nothing. No! I have to bribe them. Does anyone understand this post? Answers on a postcard, please. Leave at Club headquarters at your leisure. Don't worry, I'm naturally subversive. Luv y'all.

"Never knowingly understood."

Wargamers like to paint their privates!!
zellakDate: Friday, 28-Oct-2011, 18:04:29 | Message # 6
Group: Member
Messages: 1596
Reputation: 65
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I used the programme to make up my companies and then cut and paste the info to a New Topic.

Creating army lists that can now be checked by all players in the campaign.

I suggest all players do the same.

Aiden and Jack are keen to join in on the UNA side.

Could Mark designate them a Company each for week 5 ?

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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