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Rebirth of the Empire
JamieCraftworldMaidenDate: Tuesday, 26-Jun-2012, 19:54:26 | Message # 1
Group: Member
Messages: 61
Reputation: 6
Status: Offline
Empire of the Rising Sun
My Tau Empire Project Log

With 6th edition not far away now, ive decided to start painting my Tau army to a gaming standard. Fixing up some of the broken models as I go along! Still havent came up with a colour scheme for my army however im painting the Kroot at the moment. Havent decided on a base scheme for the models yet either. Started to build my Forge World Tetras today aswell. Ill leave the crew out until I paint them. Progress so far:

WIP Tau Tetras

Just finished the first tester of my army which is 7 Kroot warriors and 1 Kroot Hound. For anyone curious of the scheme ive listed the paints below. It has the current paint names and the old ones aswell! Photo doesnt do the models any justice ill take more pictures tomorrow when there is more natural light. Ill also upload the other Kroot as I do them aswell.

Kroot colour scheme:

Basecoat/Skin - Knarloc Green / Loren Forest
Basecoat/Weapon - Boltgun Metal / Leadbelcher
Basecoat/Cloth, Hair & Rifle - Scorched Brown / Rhinox Hide
Basecoat/Nails - Bleached Bone / Ushabti Bone

Layer 1/Skin - Camo Green / Elysian Green
Layer 1/Weapon Cloth - Bleached Bone / Ushabti Bone
Layer 1/ Weapon Blood - Red Gore / Wazdakka Red
Layer 1/ Hair - Bleached Bone / Ushabti Bone

Wash/Skin - Devlan Mud / Agrax Earthshade
Wash/Model - Badab Black / Nuln Oil

My first sample of the Kroot

This is the result of the first few models! Please ignore the quality! Not the best at taking photos. Might redo the Kroot hair to match the army colours when I decide on them. Any comments or feedback are welcome! :D
Attachments: 0065492.jpg (28.5 Kb) · 3756726.jpg (27.1 Kb)
Message edited by JamieCraftworldMaiden - Wednesday, 27-Jun-2012, 13:15:07
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