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Big stuff
mark79Date: Tuesday, 01-Jul-2014, 12:59:13 | Message # 1
Group: Confirmed
Messages: 2
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
HI guys,

Once the decent-ish weather has disappeared for another 8 months I'd like to come along to the club and play some games. I have a somewhat interesting army that I'm happy for my opponents to list taylor against if they wish surprised :

Warhound Titan
3x Imperial Knights

I'll have a more sensible army constructed by autumn time but I'd like to have some fun with this first. I should be available from mid-late august.
Attachments: 6103936.jpg (39.5 Kb)
MorgothDate: Thursday, 10-Jul-2014, 14:49:30 | Message # 2
Major general
Group: Administrators
Messages: 284
Status: Offline
Hi Mark79

Everyone's welcome at the NAWGC, so bring those brutals along ... I'm sure you'll find someone to mash!

At the mo, there's a lot of players using dif rules for 40k, so keep checking the forums to see what's current. The young guard like the newer editions, us old guard can't handle all the rules in 6th/7th ed, so we've gone back to basic (4th) and inHouse rulesets of our own, just so we can throw down our models and roll some dice ... some dice, not bucket loads!

I've a Tau army ...

>>> http://www.northayrshirewargamesclub.co.uk/forum/12-193-1

... that gets used for all sorts of rulesets ... AT43, (Modern) Bolt Action, Skirmish, RPG and any other pots they can be thrown in,


"The thing's hollow .. it goes on forever .. and .. oh my God! ... it's full of stars!"
mark79Date: Thursday, 31-Jul-2014, 15:10:08 | Message # 3
Group: Confirmed
Messages: 2
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Cool, thanks.

I'm building a Chaos Daemons army at the moment and should have it fully painted and ready to go in the next couple of months.

I'd prefer to play 7th edition 40k. I'm looking to do some tourneys at some point next year for some travel and social shennanigans smile
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