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Warhammer 40K - 6th Edition Rules
BanksiDate: Friday, 06-Jul-2012, 16:31:33 | Message # 21
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Has anyone got any comments about the new rules?

Whats different?

Whats better?

Whats worse?


Of course I know your name, it's your face I can't remember - Parahandy
gerrywithaGDate: Friday, 06-Jul-2012, 21:17:42 | Message # 22
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Has anyone got any comments about the new rules?

Whats different?

Whats better?

Whats worse?


They smell nice!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin Haven't got around to reading mine yet unfortunately!!!



And I am watching YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
pavlovDate: Saturday, 07-Jul-2012, 10:00:08 | Message # 23
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But they smell nicer in a smart bag with some nice dice to go with it biggrin

I also hear some nice new expletives have been invented for the lack of availability of said bag biggrin


There is f&*k all cool about 10+ civil engineers running around every battlefield
gerrywithaGDate: Saturday, 07-Jul-2012, 11:08:49 | Message # 24
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But they smell nicer in a smart bag with some nice dice to go with it

I also hear some nice new expletives have been invented for the lack of availability of said bag


Hmmmmmm......that was one way of putting it. biggrin Sent my submissions in for the next Oxford and Collins dictionaries biggrin

Limiting the limited Edition does what it says on the box but doing the same with the gamers edition was just absolute nonsense.

Would love to be a fly on the wall at the next GW debrief meeting about how the launch of 6th edition went. Wouldn't want to be the guy who decided on how many gamers edition to release



And I am watching YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
zellakDate: Saturday, 07-Jul-2012, 20:39:07 | Message # 25
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Quote (Banksi)


Check this out.

main changes seem to be ;

pre-measuring allowed.

Challenges between characters.

Hull points for AFV.

Allies now allowed.

One guy in a unit can now throw a grenade. ( one we might nick for AT-43 ?)

DEMON : " When next we meet, i shall tear you limb from limb...there will be no escape. "

Hero: " You bring balloon animals and i'll hire a clown..... we can make it a regular party. "
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