The Agitation and Propaganda Subcollective
Red Blok News
All the news that’s fit allowed to be told
The Maranos Campaign Ends
by: Ivonta Legova
And so the campaign on Maranos comes to a close with the four remaining belligerents signing an historic treaty. All parties recognise the spheres of influence of the other signatories – see map below. Peace has once again come to the planet and an era of productive coexistence opens. As can be seen the biggest winner is the ONi Corporation but our forces did not disgrace themselves and the Red Blok will derive many benefits from the areas liberated. The inhabitants of these areas will also thrive under benevolent collectivist rule. Both the Karmans and the UNA maintain a small but substantial presence.
The reason for the sudden outbreak of peace is not known but my sources suggest that the Red Blok is facing an internal problem. We must all be vigilant, comrades. Watch for the insidious activities of counter-revolutionaries and those who would seek to sabotage our blissful existence.
“So comrades come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The intersidereal unites the human race”