Snap Shots of a Battle
2nd Assault on the South Prospecting Base
1. Extracts from the diary of Comrade Private Sergei Ripiz Korsetzov, 25th RPG Regiment.
We advanced on the right flank and took control of the first entrance to the base. The unit in front of ours received a Therian charge and was decimated in fierce hand to hand fighting. Meanwhile we attacked a bunker positioned inside the base supported by a unit of strielitz kolossus infantry. They gave the defenders a warm reception with their flamers and soon we were in control. We stripped the containers of anything useful we could find.........
..........once inside at least we could rest without freezing to death.......
.........our sergeant ordered us to open fire to our front, despite the fact that our comrades were still fighting. We finished the alien imperialists but at the cost of some brave revolutionaries.................
.............another unit of Therians was coming round the corner but held back in the face of our superior fire power......
2. Evidence given at the trial of Comrade Captain Itvasni Myvolt, 3rd Krasnye Assault Regiment.
Prosecutor: You heard him give the order.
Witness: Yes, he shouted "Kill the alien imperialists. Kill them whatever the cost.”
Prosecutor: Why did you question your captain?
Witness: There were collectivist forces engaged with the Therians.
Prosecutor: But he went ahead anyway.
Witness: Yes.
Prosecutor: And what was your position.
Witness: We were on the left of the Therian positions.
3. News report from The Agitation and Propaganda Subcollective.
Today our brave collectivist forces, despite freezing temperatures and heavy artillery bombardment, managed to advance into the South Prospecting Base a second time. Eye witnesses say that some of our troops actually fell through the frozen lakes as they advanced. Artillery strikes caused the ice to break and they could no longer support the weight of the soldiers. Elsewhere similar strikes cut swathes of our glorious collectivist forces down like so much corn.
4. Comment by Comrade Colonel Odin-01, Joint OiC, South Prospecting Base Assault Group.
We did not achieve total victory but we came away with the resources to launch more assaults on a wide front. We also destroyed around 50% of the enemy’s forces in this area. It cost him a lot to hold onto this piece of ground.
"So comrades, come rally
And the last fight let us face.
The Intersidereal unites the
human race.” |