Red Blok News
Brought to you by the Agitation and Propaganda Subcollective
Your ideologically sound newsreader is Ivonta Legova
"Hello comrades, coming up in tonight’s programme:
· Celebrations at Gencol as they reveal yet another scientific breakthrough. Have they really developed a cure for which there is no known disease?
· In the upcoming elections the result will be an overwhelming victory for The Party and the re-election of The Five Hierarchs. There will be a 99% turnout. Don’t be a part of that missing 1% - yes, we mean ‘missing’.
But first, over to our military correspondent, Mikhail Tearemov, on Elysium for the latest on the Red Fields campaign. Mikhail....”
"Thank you Ivonta. I’m afraid it’s bad news here at The Mine, especially for the local commanders. I have just seen them being grabbed by the commissars, which was a real shock for them. It brought tears to my eyes and I was only watching. Apparently, despite their best efforts and the sacrifices of our brave collectivist soldiers, the assault was once again repulsed. A two pronged attack was made on The Mine and the forward armoured units led the infantry into the two open accesses. They managed to push on for sometime and made the furthest advance that has yet been achieved. The following infantry also scored limited success and destroyed a couple of hand to hand striders. An explosive device was almost prepared but the Therian defence proved too strong and too well prepared. Our forces were forced to withdraw. And on that sad note, back to you in the studio.”
"Mikhail Tearemov reporting from Elysium, there.”
"So comrades, come rally
And the last fight let us face.
The intersidereal unites the human race.” |