The Agitation and Propaganda Subcollective
Red Blok News
All the news that’s fit allowed to be told
The Maranos Campaign
by: Ivonta Legova
Phase five of the campaign sees the long awaited advance begin. Amidst accusations of cowardice and counter-revolutionary activities General Tukachevski, overall commander on Maranos, recalled key companies. It was thought a retreat was in progress but it seems the companies were undergoing reorganisation after the Cogs unexpectedly withdrew. Revolutionary forces have now moved forward occupying three sectors on Maranos. To the north of our positions our troops have encountered UNA formations and a battle in Sector B is imminent. General Tukachevski has assured the people of the Red Blok of victory; “The capitalist paper tigers will be no match for our ideologically inspired fighters” he said when I interviewed him recently. The famous hero of the revolution, Sergeant Timofiyeva, will be amongst those fighters. We wish her and all her comrades the best of collectivist luck, not that they need luck, having the strength of collectivist ideology behind them. I put that in in case any RedInt agents read this. Oops! Shouldn’t have said that.
Moving swiftly on to developments elsewhere on Maranos. The mercenary hordes of the Okamura Corporation continue their seemingly unstoppable expansion in the south. The Karmans suffered a heavy defeat at the hands of the diseased armies of capitalism and fell back on their headquarters. A future encounter with the Red Blok is anticipated in the south east.
UNA forces are also advancing in the west and are expected to clash with ONI units soon. As someone once said “No one escapes war!”
"So comrades come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The intersidereal unites the human race”