In Libro de Magicis
Johannes Karnak
What is magic? Magic is an energy force which permeates the universe. It is contained within everything.
How is magic controlled? The Awakened can channel this energy using various methods. The Awakened do not always know they have the power to manipulate the energy and are often afraid of their gift. As they master their reflexes and learn to control their power this fear soon subsides.
The Magical Traditions
There are three main methods used to control the magical energy:
1. The Shamanistic Tradition.
Followers of this tradition tend to use ritual and nature to control magic. They usually have a spirit guide or totem in the form of an animal to help them.
2. The Mentalist Tradition.
Followers of this tradition use their mind to channel magic energy and tend to excel in ESP, telekinesis and other such skills.
3. The Intellectual Tradition.
Followers of this tradition are often scholars and study spell books, histories of ancient cultures and demonology. They memorise spells, rituals etc which they can retain for a limited period.
These traditions, however, are not mutually exclusive and the Awakened have been known to borrow from each. That having been said it is probably more common for magicians to stick to one path.