Heroes of the Red Blok #5
We have all heard of Timofiyeva, Vrachov, Odin and Manon and Dragomira; heroes everyone and all deserving of the accolade. Yet there is another, lesser known, soldier who deserves to be mentioned in the same breath: Corporal Ivan Sergeivich Kutizandov.
He lost his hand in a poker game on Elysee. The campaign on that ice cube in space was not called Frostbite for nothing. He caught frost bite and when Corporal Kutizandov lost the game he threw his hand in, quite literally! Then he held the bunker on the Restored Fortress single handed against overwhelming Therian forces. Well, he couldn't do it any other way, could he? He was always the most organised of soldiers; his left hand didn't have to worry what his right hand was doing. He was a loyal comrade, even under the worst torture. During the purges which followed the Frostbite campaign he never once pointed the finger at anyone.
"So comrades come rally,
and the last fight let us face.
The intersidereal unites the human race.” |